From May 2000 articles will be in .pgn format rather than .txt format to allow for direct importing into databases. Occasionally a zipped chessbase .cbv file will be used for very detailed notes. Annotations are my own unless otherwise ascribed. 

"Corr." symbolises the game was played by post or e-mail otherwise the game is an o.t.b game.

Aug-Sept 1999. An article on a brilliant but short lived Dutch player (Sameleus-van den Hoek 1942).

Sept-Oct.1999. Draws need not be tedious (Donnelly-Dawson, Ledger-Donnelly, Staples-Donnelly 1998 and 1999).

Oct-Nov. 1999. Beating a British Champion (Eley-Baruch 1984). Game contributed by Andy Baruch

Nov-Dec. 1999. Pros and Cons of an extra move in the opening (Donnelly-Buckley 1999).

Jan-Feb. 2000. The Hamppe-Allgaier gambit survives (just) into the 21st century (Donnelly-James 1999).

Feb-Mar. 2000. High level postal play in the RCCA 5 yr tournament (Smith-Rezvyakov corr. 1998-99). Game contributed and annotated by Roland Smith.

April-May 2000. Some games of chess can be like a Sumo match (Donnelly-Whitemore 2000).

May-June 2000. Gosta Stoltz-Chess Genius (Spielmann-Stoltz 1930).

June-July 2000 A positional masterpiece by a brilliant but short lived Dutch player (van den Hoek-Vlagsma 1943).

July-August 2000 The story of a visit to the excellent San Francisco Chess Club (Donnelly-A.N.Other 1997).

August-September 2000 An annotated high-class postal game (CCIM Pyrich-Nightingale corr. 1999-2000). Game contributed and annotated by CCIM George Pyrich.

September-October 2000 An enigmatic blind otb and postal player (Wood-Bonham 1947).

October-November 2000 Visiting game 5 of the World Chess Championship (Kasparov-Kramnik 2000).

November-December 2000 The tactical Trompovski opening (Donnelly-Stevens 1981)

December 2000-January 2001 The Frankenstein-Dracula variation of the Vienna (Quakkelaar-Nielsen corr. 2000). Game contributed by CCIM Mogens Nielsen.

January-February 2001 Beating a GM in postal play ( Thomas-Hiltunen corr. 1996-99). Game contributed by SIM Trevor Thomas with annotations by John Littlewood and GM Umansky.

Feb.-March 2001 Winning the PCGibbs Trophy (Lane-Adams corr. 2000). Game contributed and annotated by Phil Adams.

March-April 2001 Winning the Warwickshire Open with the resilient French Defence (Tarifa-Gorka 2001). Game contributed and annotated by Carl Gorka.

April-May 2001 Power play in the Ruy Lopez-(Nagaradjane-Nielsen and Nielsen-Celli corr., featuring a queen sacrifice). Game contributed by CCIM Mogens Nielsen.

May-June 2001 A brilliant rook sacrifice from the European Correspondence Team Championship, (Potrata-Smith corr.). Game contributed by English International Roland Smith.

June-July 2001 Following Larsen's example-opening with 1.g3!? (Donnelly-Billinge, 1998).

July-August 2001 Retreating your king can sometimes win (Jorgensen-Donnelly, corr. 1998-2000).

August-Sept. 2001 Multiple pieces en-prise -deep analysis in a postal game (Hazell-Smith corr. 1980). Game contributed by English International Roland Smith.

Sept-Oct. 2001 A spectacular postal draw (Anderton-Adams corr. 1999). Game contributed and annotated by MCCU Individual Postal Champion Phil Adams.

Oct.-Nov. 2001 Getting hooked on postal chess (Adams-Stevenson corr. 1973). Game contributed and annotated by Phil Adams.

Nov-Dec. 2001 Central control versus flank play (Priedite-Pyrich, corr. 2001). Game contributed and annotated by CCIM George Pyrich.

Dec.2001-Jan. 2002 Operating at the 2450+ class in postal play (Jordan-Vitkevicius, corr. 2000). Game contributed and annotated by CCIM John Jordan.

Jan.-Feb.2002 The dynamic Benko gambit (Hibner-Pyrich, corr. 1999). Game contributed and annotated by CCIM George Pyrich.

Feb-March 2002 Precision attacking play by GM Efimov (Efimov-Pyrich, 2001). Game contributed by CCIM George Pyrich and annotated by CCIMs GP and MJD.

March-April 2002 Debating the latest theory on the Chigorin opening (Donnelly-Staples, 2001).

April-May 2002 Exclusively positional chess (Donnelly-Hulley, corr. 1996)

May-June 2002 Exploiting a restricted queens bishop in queens pawn openings (Donnelly-Burnham, 2002)

June-July 2002 An opening innovation in the Nimzo-Indian defence (Goodwin-Baruch, 2002). Game contributed by Andy Baruch , annotated by MJD.

July-August 2002 Winning the Coventry and District League (Forman-Donnelly, 2002).

August-Sept. 2002 Internet play on the Chessbase server (Gohliser-Junior Tay 2002). Game contributed and annotated by CCIM Junior Tay.

Sept.-Oct. 2002 Taking part in a Master Norm Event: the Potaissa Cup (Chereches-Ceteras 2002) Game contributed and annotated by FIDE Master Marius Ceteras.

Oct-Nov. 2002 Skill and luck compete for the point (Lennox-Pyrich, corr 2001) Game contributed and annotated by CCIM George Pyrich.

Nov-Dec. 2002 First steps on the road to the European Championship Final (Loc-Krasevec, corr 1998) Game contributed and annotated by CCIM elect Andrej Loc.

Dec.2002-Jan.2003 Dominating the d5 square in the English Opening (Veen-Pichler corr. 1998) Game contributed by SIM Hans Veen (annotated by MJD).

Jan-Feb 2003 Deep theory in the Sicilian Defence (Loc-Bellatella, corr. 1998) Game contributed and annotated by CCIM Andrej Loc.

Feb-Mar.2003  Reviving Geller's 8.Bd3 against the French Defence (Pyrich-Barrett, corr. 2001) Game contributed and annotated by CCIM George Pyrich. 

Mar-April 2003. Playing the Open Ruy Lopez is not so simple (Loc-Horvat, corr. 1997). Game contributed and annotated by CCIM Andrej Loc. 

April-May 2003. The perils of not looking after your pawn structure. (Wilson-Donnelly, 2002).

May-June 2003 How to play against non-main line variations (Kearney-Donnelly 2002).

June-July 2003 Even more advantages of tripled isolated pawns (II) (Baruch-James 1979). Game contributed by Andy Baruch, annotated by MJD.

Note: From July 2003 annotated games are generally grouped together under a particular theme and this site has moved from one to two annotated games a month. Occasionally there will be "bumper" months in which more games are provided up to and including as many as six annotated games. Also occasionally I will provide articles for beginners-mid club players. The articles are published monthly and span late in one month to late in the next month.Correspondence games are marked with "corr." otherwise the game is an over-the-board game. Annotations are my own (MJD) unless otherwise assigned.


July-August. 2003 The power of an opening innovation (Chmelik-Demetrio, corr. 2002) Game contributed and annotated by ICCF IM elect and Portuguese postal Champion Antonio Demetrio

August-September 2003 Breaching the ramparts of the Caro-Kann Defence (Loc-Dikmen, corr. 2003) Game contributed and annotated by ICCF IM Andrej Loc.

September-October 2003 Sacrificial attacking play (Ireland-Ben-Nathan, 2003) Game contributed by David Ireland (annotated by MJD).

October-November 2003 Defeating the Sicilian Defence with Bb5 (Baruch-Rich, 2003) Game contributed by Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD).

November-December.2003 The benefits of the Barry Attack System (Donnelly-Hern, 1992).


December 2003-January 2004 One more major upset in the Warwickshire Correspondence Championship (Carleton-Dawson, corr. 2003) Game contributed and annotated by Alastair Dawson.

January-February 2004 The perils of poor handling of the clock (Kolbusz-Kearns, 2003) Game contributed and annotated by George Kolbusz.

February-March 2004 Remembering Frank Parr (Page-Parr, 1980) Game contributed and annotated by Mark Page.

March-April 2004 Means to improve ones results Number 1: Play chess not just theory (Johansson-Nuoristo 2004) Game contributed and annotated by Thomas Johansson. Number 2: Annotate your own games to improve! (Kolbusz-Kirby 2004) Game contributed and annotated by George Kolbusz.

April-May 2004 Attack and defence in chess Number 1:Re-analysis of a beautiful Kings Gambit win (Paul-Salcedo, corr. 2000) Game contributed and annotated (with CC friends ) by ICCF IM Santhosh M.Paul. Number 2 : Tough defence can pay dividends (Taylor-Dawson, corr. 2003) Game contributed and annotated by former Warwickshire correspondence chess champion Alastair Dawson.

May-June 2004 The hidden depths of openings plumbed Number 1: Queen-side attacking play in the English Opening (Baruch-Wildig 2004) Game contributed by Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD). Number 2: Deciding the Joe Soesan Memorial Cup in a theoretical battle (Donnelly-Baruch 2004).

June-July 2004 Complex Chess examined in detail Number 1: A heavyweight theoretical battle in the Sicilian Najdorf (Thomsen-Loc, corr. 2000) Game contributed and annotated by SIM Andrej Loc. Number 2: A long term queen sacrifice (Soderberg-Hansson, corr. 2003) Game contributed and annotated by SIM Per Soderberg.

July-August 2004 Practical play concepts Number 1: Successful tournament play (Ireland-Sung, 2003) Game contributed by David Ireland (annotated by MJD). Number 2: Playing speculative pawn sacrifices (Wilson-Donnelly, 2004).

August-September 2004 Opening concepts Number 1: Understanding an opening (Bird-Dawson, corr 2004) Game contributed and annotated by Alastair Dawson. Number 2: Defeating the Englund Gambit with a timely e6 (Stephenson-Beedle, 1996) Game contributed by many times Teesside champion and current British Veterans champion Norman Stephenson (annotated by MJD).

September-October 2004 Romantic chess lives on Number 1: The romantic style of W.H.Pratten (and a little bit of schoolboy mischief) (Pratten-Hall ca 1964). Number 2: The Kings Gambit continues to score victories (Donnelly-Johnson 1998).

October-November 2004 Taking on better players Number 1 Another high level success for Alastair Dawson (Dawson-Carleton corr. 2004). Game contributed and annotated by Alastair Dawson Number 2: Handling the pressure when playing a much higher rated opponent (Kolbusz-Clarke 2004) Game contributed and annotated by George Kolbusz.

November-December 2004 Some rare openings examined Number 1 In praise of the Czech Benoni (Kneebone-Donnelly 1970). Number 2 Setting a trend with 1.Nc3 (Napoleon-Madame de Remusat, 1804).


December 2004-January 2005 Never give up hope Number 1 Hidden resources can save a lost game (Doney-Kolbusz 2004) Game contributed and annotated by George Kolbusz. Number 2 Another example of hidden resources (Pullan-Donnelly 1979).

January-February 2005 Opening Trends examined Number 1 Using the Kings Indian Attack as a means of battling opening theory changes (Baruch-Roberts 2004) Game contributed by Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD). Number 2 What happens when new opening trends are not studied (Donnelly-Cosham 2004).

February-March 2005 Grandmaster crushing Number 1 Beating a GM-example 1 ( Hillarp Persson-Johansson 2004). Number 2 Beating a GM-example 2 (Ernst-Johansson 2004). Games contributed and annotated by Thomas Johansson.

March-April 2005 Alekhines defence examined Number 1 Merits of Alekhines Defence-part 1 exchange var.(Dorrington-Baruch 2003) Game contributed and annotated by Regional Master Andy Baruch. Number 2 Merits of Alekhines Defence-part 2 four pawns attack (Donnelly-Ireland 2004).

April-May 2005 The power of opening innovations Number 1 Opening innovation in the Ruy Lopez (Almeida-Demetrio, corr 2000). Number 2 Opening innovation in the Benko declined (Demetrio-Azevedo, corr. 2000) Games contributed and annotated by CCIM Antonio Demetrio.

May-June 2005 Beating top players Number 1 Showing a GM whats what (Brynell-Johansson 2004) Game contributed and annotated by Thomas Johansson. Number 2 The importance of opening play in correspondence games (Demetrio-Stankovic, corr. 2000). Game contributed and annotated by CCIM Antonio Denetrio.

June-July 2005 (bumper article month) Various themes Number 1 Counter attacking with the French (Miletic-Conroy 1992), Number 2 Repulsing a Jeff Horner attack with the French (Horner-Conroy 1967) Games contributed and annotated by strong otb player (and ICCF IM) Mike Conroy. Number 3 Meeting an unusual opening sequence (Kolbusz-Sumner 2004), Number 4 Identifying the problem in an unlucky lost game (Soames-Kolbusz 2004) Games contributed and annotated by George Kolbusz. Number 5 A remarkable Alekhine Defence game (Ellison-Oakley corr. 1960-61),Game annotated by both players, Number 6 Testing out the Alekhine at Master level in correspondence chess (Anderson-Donnelly corr. 2004-5).

July-August 2005 (bumper article month) Various themes Number 1 Facing the might of Spassky's Kings Gambit Opening (Spassky-Gibbs 1960) Game contributed by England International Peter Gibbs (annotated by MJD), Number 2 Man and Kings Gambit versus Monster Computer (Donnelly-UMIST Mainframe 1980), Number 3 Facing the Sicilian Najdorf-game1 (Loc-Persson, corr. 2003) , Number 4 Facing the Sicilian Najdorf-game 2 (Loc-Blanco Ganajo, corr. 2003) Games contributed and annotated by ICCF SIM Andrej Loc, Number 5 Developments in the Dutch with Nc6 (Donnelly-Goodwin 2003), Number 6 Developments in the Dutch with Ne4 (Donnelly-Dobedoe 1992).

August-September 2005 (bumper article month) Various themes Number 1 Becoming Englands first ever Ladies CC-Grandmaster (Jones-Siewert, corr 2002), Number 2 Playing for the elite Russian correspondence team (Weber-Jones, corr 2004) Games contributed and annotated by ICCF GM Mary Jones, Number 3 Handling the sophisticated Kings Indian Defence: example1 (Parkkinen-Loc corr. 2003), Number 4 Handling the sophisticated Kings Indian Defence:example 2 (Sosa Partino-Loc, corr. 2003) Games contributed and annotated by ICCF SIM Andrej Loc, Number 5 Attacking play on chess servers-the new mode of correspondence chess (P.Donnelly-Megreblian, corr. 2004) Game contributed and annotated by Paul Donnelly, Number 6 An example of the "sharp" Caro-Kann Defence (Donnelly-Musson 2004).

September-October 2005 (bumper article month) Brevities I: Number 1 The Enigmatic John Spedan Lewis (Vine-Lewis, pre 1962)-zip files includes a JSL 1953 letter and details of a special presentation and match at the National Chess Centre 1953), Number 2 A knock-out queen sac (I) (Baruch-Garner 1998) Game contributed by Regional Master Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD), Number 3 Sacrifice on f2 (Dobedoe-Donnelly 1987), Number 4 Multiple pins and counter-pins (Donnelly-Fairclough, corr. 1997).

October-November 2005 The dynamic but forgotten Goring Gambit: Number 1 Nearly a brilliant attacking game (Bronstein-Fuderer 1959), Number 2 Attacking a centrally placed king (Donnelly-Ratcliffe 1971).

November-December 2005 A further look at the merits of Alekhines defence to 1.e4: Number 1 A shock defeat for Nigel Short (Short-Baruch 1978) Game contributed by Regional Master Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD) , Number 2 The resilience of the Alekhines Defence to attacking play (Holmes-Donnelly 1969).


December 2005-January 2006 (bumper article month)Brevities II: Number 1 Whipping the Kings Gambit with 6...Rh7?!? (Swenson-Damant,corr 1955), Number 2 Upping the ante with 5.Nc3 in the Cunningham Kings Gambit (Ridout-Mills 1964), Number 3 Still worth another try-Marshalls Defence to the QG? (Donnelly-McNally 1968), Number 4 A whirlwind KID counter-attack (Moore-Donnelly 1970).

January-February 2006 Animal Openings Number 1 The Hippopotamus Opening Rises (Tolush-Thompson 1954), Number 2 And then the Hippopotamus submerges somewhat (Donnelly-Higgins, corr. 1984).

February-March 2006 The Modern Style of Joey Stewart: Number 1 The Dragon Bites Back (Prosinec-Stewart 2005) Game contributed and annotated by Joey Stewart, Number 2 A close call (Donnelly-Stewart 2005).

March-April 2006 Investigating the complexities of reversed openings: Number 1 Reversed Dragon (Donnelly-Chue 1995), Number 2 Reversed Gruenfeld (Donnelly-Stewart 2006).

April-May 2006 Marple Chess Club finally beats Stockport! : Number 1 Board 5 game (Murray-Kolbusz 2006) Game contributed and annotated by George Kolbusz, Number 2 Board 6 game (Jenkins-Daniel 2006) Game contributed by Andy Jenkins with notes based on Andy's comments.

May-June 2006 Adventures with the Trompovsky Opening: Number 1 (James-Dobrov 2005), Number 2 (James-Adams 2006), Number 3 (James-Jackson 2005), Number 4 (James-Bates 2006) Games contributed and annotated by BCF coach Russell James.

June-July 2006 Games from the 2006 Joe Soesan Memorial tournament: Number 1 (Eckloff-Daskevics 2006) Game contributed and annotated by Colin Eckloff, Number 2 (Page-Donnelly 2006).

July-August 2006 A remarkable story on emigrating to the land of Oz (Australian Masters 2005): Number 1 (Gorka-Depasquale), Number 2 (Froehlich-Gorka) Games contributed by former Warwickshire Champion and current Melbourne Chess Trainer Carl Gorka.

August-September 2006 (bumper article month) Revenging Cricket and Rugby-a pasting of 3 Aussie Champions: Number 1 (Page-Flatlow 1984), Number 2 (Page-Purdy 1984), Number 3 (Johansen-Page 1980) Games contributed and annotated by  Mark Page.

September-October 2006 In the style of the Great Masters Nimzovitch and Larsen: Number 1 (Baruch-James 2006), Number 2 (Goodwin-Baruch 2006) Games contributed and annotated by Andy Baruch.

October-November 2006 (bumper article month) The Grand-Prix Attack against the Sicilian continues onwards: Number 1 (Donnelly-Kamenets 2004 corr) , Number 2 (Donnelly-Glinton 2001); The legacy of Pakistan chess players Number 3 (Tolush-Ahmad corr 1962), Number 4 (Ahmad-Dubinin corr 1962).

November-December 2006 (bumper article month) A question of a players style: Number 1 (Goodwin-McSheeney 1976), Number 2 (Goodwin-Woodland 1976) Games contributed and annotated by Ed Goodwin; Beginners to mid-club players article ( incorrect exchanges) Number 3 (Donnelly-Whelan 2005).


December 2006-January 2007 (bumper article month) Queen sacrifices (II): Number 1 (Steinitz-Rock 1863), Number 2 (Donnelly-Gregory 1971); Beginners to mid-club players article (importance of open files) Number 3 (Sledge-Donnelly 1969).

January-February 2007 (bumper article month) Brevities III (from Warwick University Students) : Number 1(Stewart-Kearney 2006; Game contributed and annotated by Joey Stewart), Number 2 (Buckley-Bergsson 2002; Game contributed by Joey Stewart (annotated by MJD), Number 3 (Donnelly-Killick 2004), Number 4 (Donnelly-Fletcher 2004). Download all 4 annotated games here.

February-March 2007 The importance of endings (1): Number 1 K+P ending (Marcussi-Donnelly 1967), Number 2 R+P ending (Donnelly-Salman 1984).

March-April 2007 (bumper article month) Keeping your "eye on the ball": Number 1 (Staples-Donnelly 2005), Number 2 (Booth-Donnelly 1998); Beginners to mid-club players article (the importance of a space advantage) Number 3 (Donnelly-Price 1987).

April-May 2007 (bumper article month) Selected games from the John Jordan Memorial International Invitational Postal Event: Number 1 (Donnelly-Serradimigni corr. 2004 ), Number 2 (Donnelly-Pedersen corr. 2004), Number 3 (Donnelly-Soderberg corr. 2004).

May-June 2007 (bumper article month) Some more examples of different types of queen sacrifices (III): Number 1 (Ralston-Baruch 1975), Number 2 (McNab-Baruch 1969), Number 3 (Baruch-Maher 1974). Game contributed by Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD).

June-July 2007 (bumper article month) Some examples of attacking chess inspired by Edgard Colle's Opening: Number 1 (Donnelly-Burrows 1992), Number 2  (Donnelly-Oldakers 1992), Number 3 (Donnelly-Gray corr. 1992).

July-August 2007 Amateur contributions to Chess opening theory and practice: Number 1 (Collins-Stephenson 1964), Number 2 (Donnelly-Siddall 1982).

August-September 2007 The reality of typical over-the-board games: Number 1 (Nadison-Goodwin 2007) Game contributed and notes based on some comments by Ed Goodwin, Number 2 (Donnelly-Sandrawich 1968).

September-October 2007 (bumper article month) Heralding the return of the Pirc into fashion at the top?: Number 1 (Davies-Donnelly 2004), Number 2 (Emery-Donnelly 2003); Beginners to mid-club players article (the power of a central pawn roller) Number 3 (Donnelly-Whelan 2004).

October-November 2007 (bumper article month) The Pros and Cons of an isolated queens pawn: Number 1 (Kogler-Lukas corr. 2003) Game contributed and annotated by ICCF GM Klaus Kogler , Number 2 (Fischer-Donnelly 2004); Beginners to mid-club player article (incorrect combinations) Number 3 (Whelan-Donnelly 2004).

November-December 2007 (bumper article month) Brevities IV: Number 1(Kearney-Baruch 2007) Game contributed by Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD), Number 2 (Szabo-O'Kelly 1946), Number 3 (Lorch-Michelle 1903), Number 4 (Glinton-Donnelly 2003), Number 5 (Scott-Donnelly 1984). Download all 5 annotated games here.


December 2007-January 2008 The concept of good and bad bishops: Number 1 (Naylor-Donnelly 1993), Number 2 (Turvey-Donnelly 2006).

January-February 2008 Long king walks of no return: Number 1 (Telboy 2-vipiu corr. 2007), Number 2 (Donnelly-Horton corr. 2007).

February-March 2008 Saving combinations: Number 1 (Geller-Golombek 1952), Number 2 (Donnelly-Davies 2005).

March-April 2008 Beware Yorkshiremen in kilts-two wins by the Scottish Correspondence Champion: Number 1 (Beecham-Goodwin corr. 2007-8), Number 2 (Corada-Beecham corr. 2007). Games contributed and annotated by ICCF IM Richard Beecham.

April-May 2008 King utilisation in an active role: Number 1 (Kidd-Donnelly corr. 1967), Number 2 (Donnelly-Mason 1994).

May-June 2008 The Kings Gambit continues!: Number 1 (Mista-Plachetka 2007), Number 2 (Mista-Mastrovasilis 2007). Games contributed by Thomas Johansson and annotated by MJD

June-July 2008 Winning the Joe Soesan Memorial with the Modern Defence: Number 1 (Bullivant-Baruch 2008), Number 2 (Eckloff-Baruch 2008). Games contributed by Regional Master Andy Baruch and annotated by MJD.

July-August 2008 The severe impact of poor chess psychology: Number 1 (Redden-Donnelly 2000), Number 2 (Rothbart-Donnelly 1969).

August-September 2008 Remembering David Janowski: Number 1 (Janowski-Alekhine 1914), Number 2 (Bogoljubov-Janowski 1924).

September-October 2008 The still potent Grand Prix Attack against the Sicilian: Number 1 (Donnelly-Mortimer 1998), Number 2 (Donnelly-Harris 1999).

October-December 2008 Examples of Match play: Number 1 (Donnelly-Ufodike 2006), Number 2 (Ufodike-Donnelly 2006).


December 2008-January 2009 The feasibility of classical sacrifices in modern correspondence play: Number 1 (Kogler-Matheis corr. 2007) Game submitted and annotated by ICCF GM Klaus Kogler, Number 2 (Asquith-Donnelly corr. 2007).

January-February 2009 Games from the GM section of the BCCA Centenary Event: Number 1 (Donnelly-Verducci 2006), Number 2 (Rinesi-Donnelly 2006).

February-March 2009 Counter-attacking openings as black: Number 1 (Greatorex-Donnelly 2003), Number 2 (Fowkes-Donnelly 2005).

March-April 2009 The Importance of Endings (2) Intricate endings with 3 pawns for a piece: Number 1 (Plunkett-Stewart corr. 2008) , Number 2 (Stewart-Rotella  corr. 2008). Games contributed by Joey Stewart (annotated by MJD).

April-May 2009 Opening Disasters :  Number 1 (Booth-Donnelly 1998), Number 2 (Talbot-Donnelly 1999).

May-June 2009 Remembering Tom Wise: Number 1 (Wise-Donnelly 1968), Number 2 (Wise-Donnelly 1971).

June-September 2009 Highlighting County Chess: Number 1 (Baruch-Janooby 2009) Game contributed by Regional Master Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD), Number 2 (Donnelly-Coleman 2008).

September-October 2009 Games with the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit : Number 1 (Haugen-Bastos corr. 1993) Notes in part by ICCF GM Arild Haugen, Number 2 (Haugen-Donnelly corr. 2008).

October-November 2009 Some playing styles : Number 1 (Donnelly-Davies 2002), Number 2 (Donnelly-Crutchlow 2002).

November-December 2009 Games from board 3 of the England-Cuba e-mail match: Number 1 (Rodrigues-Donnelly corr. 2005), Number 2 (Donnelly-Rodrigues corr. 2005).


December 2009-January 2010 Brevities V: Number 1 (Linder-Joppen 1951), Number 2 (Dahl-Alexandrovich 1950), Number 3 (Lutikov-Korchnoi 1951), Number 4 Czerniakov-Beni 1950).

January-February 2010 Retreating to win!: Number 1 (Murray-Donnelly 1991), Number 2 (Booth-Donnelly 2000).

February-March 2010 For and against knights on the edge of the board: Number 1 (Donnelly-Coe 1984), Number 2 (Donnelly-Williams corr. 2006).

March-April 2010 The power of the two bishops: Number 1 (Charnley-Donnelly 1990), Number 2 (Demetrio-Donnelly corr. 2008).

April-May 2010 The Magic of Mikhail Tal: Number 1 (Tal-Letelier 1963), Number 2  Beginners to mid-club player article (Perils of a centrally placed king) (Glover-Donnelly 1970).

May-June 2010 Some games from the 4NCL (National Chess League): Number 1 (Ledger-Donnelly 1999), Number 2 (Horton-Donnelly 1999).

June-September 2010 (bumper articles month): Alekhine Defence games Number 1 (Tweedie-Baruch 2010), Number 2 (Day-Baruch 2010), Number 3 (Uddin-Baruch 2010),  Games contributed and notes in part by Regional Master Andy Baruch, Number 4 (Asquith-Donnelly corr. 2008), An interesting 4 NCL game Number 5 (Grant-Stewart 2010) Game contributed and annotated by Joey Stewart.

September-October 2010 Some recent correspondence games: Number 1 (Donnelly-Graham corr. 2008), Number 2 (Donnelly-Kuhnel corr. 2008).

October-November 2010 Features of openings that are not main stream: Number 1 (Donnelly-Fletcher 2003), Number 2 (Crutchlow-Donnelly 2003).


November 2010-January 2011 (bumper articles months) Standards of opening play: Number 1 (Donnelly-Hampson 1968), Number 2 (Donnelly-Wise 1968), Number 3 (Johansson-Dorer 2010 corr), Number 4 (van Unen-Donnelly 2008 corr).

January-February 2011 Focus on pre-WW2 events (1): Games from the Bournemouth 1939 International Tournament: Number 1 (Euwe-Abrahams), Number 2 (Mieses-Landau), Number 3 (Klein-Wallis).

February-March 2011 Opening and middle-game articles for beginner to mid-club player articles: Attacks when opposite-side castling has occurred Number 1 (Harrison-Donnelly 1968), Dealing with gambit play Number 2 (Doherty-Donnelly 1968).

March-April 2011 Beginner to mid-club player articles: Tempo wastage in the opening and early middle-game Number 1 (Patterson-Donnelly 1988), Number 2 (Cook-Donnelly 1988).

April-May 2011 Some games of a chess giant from times past-Dr Ossip Bernstein: Number 1 (Bernstein-von Bardeleben 1905), Number 2 (Bernstein-Schlechter 1905).

May-July 2011 Selected games from a favourite book : Number 1 (Chekover-Kasparyan 1936), Number 2 (Sereda-Gambarisvilli 1934). Beginner to mid-club players articles :The perennial problem of winning a won game  Number 3 (Wilshin-Donnelly 1985), Number 4 (Bayford-Donnelly 1985).

July-August 2011 (bumper article month) Selected games of Isidor Gunsberg: Number 1 (Gunsberg-Ascher 1879), Number 2 (Gunsberg-Bird 1885), Number 3 (Tarrasch-Gunsberg 1885).

August-September 2011 Playing it safe for the draw: Number 1  (Donnelly-Haygarth 1970), Number 2 (Davies-Donnelly 2006).

September-October 2011 Game plan-Equalise first then play for a win? : Number 1 (Bell-Donnelly 1970), Number 2 (Donnelly-Wildig 1996).

October-November 2011 Warwickshire Correspondence Chess Championship : Number 1 (Woodford-Donnelly 2011 corr), Number 2 (Donnelly-Ackley 2011 corr).


November 2011-January 2012 Brevities VI : Number 1 (Keene-Strauss 1964), Number 2 (Farrand-Thomson 1955), Number 3 (Christoffel-Winter 1946), Number 4 (Wright-Handy 1952 corr), Number 5 (Golombek-Dijkstra 1947).

January-February 2012 Misplayed Attacks: Number 1 (Zita-Abrahams 1947), Number 2 (Winn-Donnelly 1987).

February-March 2012 Some encounters with Joe Soesan: Number 1 (Donnelly-Soesan 1988), Number 2 (Soesan-Donnelly 1996).

March-April 2012 More Warwickshire Correspondence Championship games : Number 1 (Beresford-Donnelly 2011 corr), Number 2 (Donnelly-Carlton 2011 corr).

April-May 2012 Aberrations on the chess board: Number 1 (Donnelly-Hardstaff 1988), Number 2 (Woodcock-Donnelly 1994).

May-September 2012 Brevities VII -Games from mid 1950s magazines: Number 1 (Beaty-Beaumont 1956), Number 2 (Lehmann-Pirc 1956), Number 3 (Matchett-O'Kelly 1956), Number 4 (Condon-O'Leary 1956), Number 5 (Harris-Nairn 1955).

September-October 2012 Beating the legends-selected games from Russia-Yugoslavia Matches: Number 1 (Minic-Korchnoi 1963), Number 2 (Taimanov-Ivkov 1962).

October-November 2012 The legacy of Joseph Henry Blackburne: Number 1 (Blackburne-Grimwood 1873), Number 2 (Blackburne-Cockayne 1873).

November-December  2012 Beating the Slav with 4. Nbd2!?: Number 1 (Donnelly-Blake 2010 corr), Number 2 (Donnelly-Dolgov 2011 corr).


December 2012-January 2013 Testing the Slav with 4. Qb3!? : Number 1 (Donnelly-Nylander 2008 corr) , Number 2 (Donnelly-Firnhaber 2008 corr).

January-February 2013 Adventures with the Dragon : Number 1 (Stewart-Donnelly 2005), Number 2 (Efendiyev-Donnelly 2011 corr).

February-March 2013 Postcard and Web server Correspondence Chess : Number 1 (Wilkinson-Donnelly 1985 corr), Number 2 (Lakatos-Donnelly 2008 corr).

March-April 2013 Some selected games of Edward Lasker: Number 1 (Lasker-Englund 1913), Number 2 (Lasker-Marshall1942).

April-May 2013 Positional versus tactical play: Number 1 (Stephenson-Barton 2000), Number 2 (Baille-Stephenson 1989) Game submitted and annotated by many times Teesside Champion and twice British Veteran Champion Norman Stephenson.

May-June 2013 Benefits of co-incidence in games of chess: Number 1 (Stephenson-Lambshire 2000), Number 2 (Spence-Stephenson 2000) Game submitted and annotated by many times Teesside Champion and twice British Veteran Champion Norman Stephenson.

June-July 2013 The influence of Tigran Petrosian: Number 1 (Donnelly-Moore 1971), Number 2 (Donnelly-Taylor 1971).

July-September 2013 Focus on post-WW2 Events (1): Selected games from Prague 1946 (Dr Treybal and Vera Menchik Stevenson Memorial) : Number 1 (Trifunovic-Stoltz), Number 2 (Katekov-Golombek), Number 3 (Zita-Golombek).

September-October 2013 Louis Zollner-inspiration to Tyneside Chess : Number 1 (Zollner-Wright GW ca 1870), Number 2 (Zollner-Wright FH 1800s).

October-November 2013 The Kings Indian Defence from the White and Black perspectives (A): Number 1(Wise-Stephenson 1958), Number 2 (Stockham-Jones 1999). Games submitted by many times Teesside Champion and twice British Veteran Champion Norman Stephenson.

November-December 2013 The Kings Indian Defence from the White and Black perspectives (B) : Number 1 (Stephenson-Markland 1967), Number 2 (Stephenson-Marcussi 1967), Number 3 (Stephenson-Armstrong 2013), Number 4 (Stephenson-Aitken 1968). Games submitted and annotated by many times Teesside Champion and twice British Veteran Champion Norman Stephenson.


December 2013-January 2014 Avoid tons of theory with the Closed Sicilian Opening: Number 1 (Donnelly-Soesan 1993), Number 2 (Donnelly-James 1999).

January-February 2014 Focus on pre-WW2 Events (2) Games from the Russian Masters Training Tournament 1939: Number 1 (Alatortsev-Flohr), Number 2 (Levenfish-Keres).

February-March 2014 Two games that have stayed in my memory: Number 1 (Lumsden-Donnelly 1971), Number 2 (Reed-Donnelly 1969).

March-April 2014 Dynamism and Creativity a la Tchigorin: Number 1 (Tchigorin-Otto 1884), Number 2 (Tchigorin-Mackenzie 1882.)

April-May 2014 Brevities VIII: Number 1 (Heidenfeld-Reid 1956); Number 2 (Stephenson-Middleton 1960); Number 3 (Milner Barry-Haygarth 1959); Number 4 (Beaty-Beaumont 1956 re-analysed). Download all 4 games here.

May-June 2014 The complexities of play arising from a lone pawn on e6 deep in enemy territory: Number 1 (Donnelly-Farrand 1971); Number 2 (Fishburne-Donnelly 1990). Based on Giri-Ivanchuk Beijing FIDE GP 2013.

June-July 2014 Examples of good attacking and defensive play in the Kings Gambit and Vienna Game Openings: Number 1 (Moon-Stephenson 2003); Number 2 (Stephenson-Bileby 1970). Games contributed (and one annotated in detail ) by Norman Stephenson.

July-August 2014 Examples of exploitable and not exploitable weak squares: Number 1 (Craddock-Mieses 1939); Number 2 (Thomas-Donnelly 1991).

August-September 2014 (bumper article month) One of the legacies of World Champion Tigran Petrosian-The Exchange Sacrifice: Number 1 (Bolton-Donnelly 1968); Number 2 Cook-Donnelly 1989; Number 3 (Donnelly-Brookes, corr. 2014).

September-October 2014 Brevities IX: Number 1 (McLeod-Winter 1951); Number 2 (Grove-Boey 1948); Number 3 (Woolmer-Wood corr 1948).

October-November 2014 More games by Louis Zollner (donator of the famous Zollner Trophy for the Northumberland Championship): Number 1 (Lee-Zollner 1891), Number 2 (Zollner-Wildman ca 1893).

November-December 2014 The mysterious concept of chess intuition: Number 1 (Donnelly-Walsh 1968), Number 2 (Donnelly-Williams  corr. 2008 ).


December 2014-January 2015 Mikhail Tal runs amok: Number 1 (Tal-Milev 1958), Number 2 (Tal-Russell 1958).

January-February 2015 How to win as black: Number 1 (Riston Morry-Thomas corr. 1956 ), Number 2 (Harding-Thomas corr. 1990). Games submitted by ICCF Senior International Master Trevor Thomas.

February-March 2015 Modern examples of Hyper-Modern chess: Number 1 (Baruch-Bellin 2014), Number 2 (Horton-Stephenson 1967). Games submitted by Regional Master Andy Baruch and many times Teesside Champion Norman Stephenson (annotated by MJD).

March-April 2015 Games from the West London Chess Club War Time Gazette: Number 1 (Green-Alexander 1942), Number 2 (Thomas-Tartakover 1943).

April-May 2015 The brilliant play of Dr J. Cukiermann: Number 1 (Cukiermann-Voison 1929), Number 2 (Cukiermann-Tartakover 1930).

May-June 2015 Examples of dealing with over-ambitious play: Number 1 (Donnelly-Cockerill 1970), Number 2 (Cockerill-Donnelly 1972.)

June-July 2015 Obtaining a draw by Perpetual Check: Number 1 (Szabo-Porat 1947), Number 2 (Rossolimo-Plater 1947).

July-August 2015 Brevities X: Number 1 (Aurbach-Freidman 1912), Number 2 (Horseman-Challis 1952), Number 3 (Morrison-Hemingway 1952).

August-September 2015 Winning with (almost) Tactic free chess: Number 1 (Donnelly-Cooper 2000), Number 2 (Webb-Donnelly 2000).

September-October 2015 More on the Pros and Cons of Triple Isolated pawns (III): Number 1 (Anderson-Williams 2002), Number 2 (Christiansen-Pastor 1974).

October-November 2015 Another look at the Hyper-Modern style of chess: Number 1 (Baruch-Smith 2015), Number 2 (Donnelly-Bell 1970). First game submitted by Regional Master Andy Baruch (annotated by MJD).

November-December 2015 Both sides of 1.e4 e5 : Number 1 (Stephenson-McLaughlin 1960), Number 2 (Bielby-Stephenson 1972). Games submitted by many times Teesside and twice British Veteran Champion Norman Stephenson (annotated by MJD).


December 2015-January 2016 More Chess for Scoundrels-the dubious fine art of psycho-chess : Number 1 (Donnelly-Shaft 1971), Number 2 (Smith-Donnelly 1981).

January-February 2016 (bumper article month) A detailed examination of the concept of Queen takes Knight's pawn : Number 1 (Bielby-Donnelly 1971), Number 2 (Donnelly-Vidler 1985), Number 3 (Kotsikoros-Donnelly 1985).

February-March 2016 Brevities XI : Number 1 (Moses-Wood 1940), Number 2 (Bronstein-Petrosian 1960), Number 3 (Pickering-Donnelly 2015).

March-April 2016 The Importance of Endings (3) : Number 1 (Donnelly-Joseph corr. 1998), Number 2 (Krivonosovs-Donnelly corr. 2000).

April-May 2016 More on the Alekhine's Defence Opening : Number 1 (Wood-Ritson Morry corr. 1941), Number 2 (Moreira-Donnelly corr. 2004).

May-June 2016 Detailed analysis of two training games featuring the Bronstein line of the Austrian attack in the Pirc Defence : Number 1 (Page-Donnelly 3-2015), Number 2 (Page-Donnelly 5-2015).

June-July 2016 Selected games from the famous New York International Chess Tournament 1924: Number 1 (Reti-Marshall 1924), Number 2 (Lasker (Ed)-Capablanca 1924).

July-August 2016 The Danger of Misplayed Sharp Openings: Number 1 (Booth-Donnelly 1998), Number 2 (Donnelly-Thursfield 1977).

August-September 2016 Focus on post-WW2 Events (2) Games from the Czecho-Slovakia versus the Midlands Team, Birmingham 1947: Number 1 (Lenton-Florian), Number 2 (Bonham-Alster).

September-October 2016 Examples of play with Tchigorin's Qe2 versus the French Defence (1.e4 e6 2. Qe2!?): Number 1 (Donnelly-Poppe corr. 1998), Number 2 (Donnelly-Chambers corr. 2002).

October-November 2016 Prize winning games from the 1000 player match North Thames v South Thames (London) 1951: Number 1 (Fuller-McKelvie), Number 2 (Scarlett-Hayden).

November-December 2016 Fine examples of Welsh Correspondence Chess: Number 1 (Gunston-Griffiths corr. 1910), Number 2 (Harper-Gurnhill corr. 1950).

December 2016-January 2017 Brevities XII: Number 1 (Czerniakov-van Scheltinga 1950), Number 2 ( Pirc-Tartakover 1938), Number 3 (Foltys-Gereben 1948).