Solution to chess problem number 8

This problem is an example of a complete block position in which once the key move is played all of blacks moves lead to mate. The key move does not contain a threat and gives two flight squares to the black king. There then follows two self-pin mates and a line opening mate. The former two mates exploit the fact that the pin, in this problem on black pawns, prevents black from capturing a piece and thus mate is not avoided.

Key move 1. Qxb7.

1...Ke4 2. Rxc4 mate.

1...Kc5 2. Nb3 mate.

1...c3 2.Qb4 mate.

There are some interesting tries in this position for example:

(a)  1. Ne5 and if 1...Ke4 then 2. Nc6 is mate but 1...c3 refutes this try.

(b) 1. Kf5 and if 1...b5 then 2. Qa7 is mate and if 1...c3 2. Qb4 is mate but 1...b6 refutes this try.

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