Solution to Problem 11

The theme of this problem is one of mate transference in this case from the knight on c3 to the knight on d6. This also involves a change from a direct queen and knight battery (Qb2/Nc3) to an indirect one (Qb8/Nd6).

In the set play (imagining black were to play) the following mates are present in the position

1...Kd4 2. Ncb5 mate, 1...Kf6 2. Nce4 mate and 1...Rxc3 2. Qxc3 mate.

With the key move white abandons these mates but in turn sets up new ones as follows:

Key move 1. Qb8 threat 2. Qh8 mate.

1...Kd4 2. Ndb5 mate.

1...Kf6 2. Nde4 mate.

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